Weeks 5-8
Are you really 2 months old already? What a precious baby girl you are. I love you so much. We are having so much fun with you. Here are a few photos from the last month.
I Love...
- how much fun it is to take pictures of you
- how cute you look in everything Sissy makes for you
- Putting you on the kitchen counter while I'm cooking (you tend to draw LOTS of attention)
- your chair Daddy brought home for camping trips. You love it and sleep so good in it!
- how good Irelyne and Rebekah are with you and love to hold you and sing to you (we all do)
- carrying you in my newborn sling on our very first family nature walk with you
- how cute you looked on Sissy's 15th birthday party
- the sign on my bedroom door that Daddy made for us
I love that you are becoming more alert, smiling and cooing at all of us. You are getting longer and weigh around 11 pounds. I will know for sure next week when I go for my Midwife checkup. This month I have had the beginnings of mastitis a few times and was able to fight it off with garlic and cabbage leaves. Thankfully it never got to the point of fever. We are not doing a lot away from home and I am getting rest since you are a good sleeper so it's probably me nursing you while I sleep or that you sleep up to 5 or 6 hours at night sometimes. So I've started waking you up at least twice a night if you don't wake yourself.
Some of your firsts for the month...
- ate dinner at a restaurant and you did well. Sissy put you to sleep.
- You had your first mild cold this month. I took extra fresh garlic cloves and you were well in no time.
- Sissy watched you while I ran errands with Daddy for a few hours. I was completely comfortable with it. I nursed you and then left. You did great and when we got back you were napping.
Everything in my life is timed. It works for me, keeps me organized and allows me to fit everything in.
I still wake you at 7am each morning to start our day and you take two really good naps each day that I can count on. I love that you are becoming more alert and we are starting to see some personality.
I love you Moriyah Elyse! I'm looking forward to your first fall feasts and camping for 12 days at
Sukkot in a few weeks.